Association Bye Laws

The mission of the Ife Physical Therapy Alumni Association is to promote the profession of physical therapy, enhance physical therapy practice and education, and contribute to the professional growth and career development of its members. This organization will promote a high moral and ethical standard, and community service.

The organization will especially support competent and reflective practitioners with leadership skills who value critical inquiry and lifelong education to meet the ever-changing demands of the local and global health care environment. It will support any program that is geared to producing an international physiotherapy professional who can contribute to the global society by assuming the multifaceted role of practitioner, teacher, and researcher.

It will therefore foster international professional and scholastic exchanges while maintaining national identities, dignity and integrity among physical therapy and rehabilitation practitioners across national boundaries.

One goal for the organization is to promote the development of educational exchanges between Ife (i.e. OAU), the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, and other universities in Nigeria, and similar programs, bodies, and institutions in the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world. The organization shall achieve this by providing:
  1. Financial and other resources to Obafemi Awolowo University Medical Rehabilitation Program, Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy, and other institutions in Nigeria,
  2. Support for the Journal of Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy to enhance regular publication, content qualities and circulation
  3. Mentoring supports for students, practitioners, and faculties in order to foster a high level of academic achievement, critical inquiry, practice advancement, and professional autonomy
  4. Support for institutions and bodies in order to facilitate the upgrade of entry-level physiotherapy education and specialization in Nigeria and other African Countries.